
Kwanzaa Day 5 – Purpose

Habari Gani? Nia!

Today’s principle is Nia. One of the most exhilarating sensations a person can experience is that of a having a sense of purpose. Self-Determination helps us live on purpose. African-Americans are heirs to a tradition of communal greatness–from cultivating land that we were not allowed to own under generations of subjugation, to the limitless Black Girl Magic the world cannot get enough of today. No matter what your purpose looks like or feels like, the principle of Nia reminds us that the ways we choose to use our time and our talents will build a legacy of Black Excellence.

“You were uniquely designed for success in your purpose. When you align your life with your strengths—those innate qualities you were gifted with—you will tap into a level of grace that empowers you to achieve things you could never accomplish in your strength alone.”

Valorie Burton, in Successful Women Think Differently: 9 Habits to Make you Happier, Healthier and More Resilient