passport on black background

Here’s What Happened When I Applied for My First Passport

How do I apply for my first passport? One of my goals is to travel more and especially to travel internationally. But, I’d never had a passport before. So, I decided to do something about it. Here’s what happened.

If you have never had one before, you must apply for a first-time passport. For U.S. citizens the State department provides many step-by-step instructions and checklists with everything you will need to obtain your first passport. You will probably see ads from companies that might help you, but I didn’t use them. Instead I completed the application online and printed it at home. Even though there is an option to receive a card, I wanted that book! I want to be able to flip through it after my travels and check out the various stamps and stickers. I took the printed application and the required documents to my City Hall which also happened to be an Passport Acceptance Facility.

At City Hall, I had my photo taken paid all the fees and submitted it. I had the option to have a photo taken elsewhere, but I opted to have it taken there. There were a couple of things that I was glad to know in advance were that I had to pay with more than one check; I paid the State Department with one check and processing fees with a different check. Also, it was uncomfortable to give them an official copy of my birth certificate, but it was required.

I’m pleased to say that my very first passport arrived in the mail exactly two weeks later. Even though I’d paid for routine processing it arrived far sooner than I expected. But keep in mind that all of the information advises that you should allow up to six weeks for routine processing.

The whole process was not nearly as daunting as I had feared. I had to complete some paperwork and gather some vital records, but it was not as complex as preparing taxes. I’ve eliminated that obstacle and cleared the way for future world travel and good times ahead. If I could do it, you can too.

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